LOA 27’ 11 ½”
LWL 22’ 9 ½”
BEAM 8’ 6”
DRAFT 1’ 10”/4’ 6”
DISPLACEMENT 6,000 (approx)
BALLAST 1,000lbs lead (500lbs laminated each side of the centerboard trunk) and water in tanks under the settees. 500lbs additional lead for trim.
SAIL AREA 360 sq. ft.
TYPE Trailerable Gaff-rigged New Jersey “Chicken-Breasted” Vee-bottom Garvey Sloop—Pocket Cruiser. This is a very simple boat to build. She is intended for semi-protected water, but can make coastwise trips in settled weather. Scows are not slow boats—this hull is a large version of the very competitive racing scows, and will give a surprising turn of speed. The cockpit is self-draining; an outboard can be used in an offset-well, or a small inboard may be installed under the bridge deck. The mast is tabernacled to simplify set-up and break-down.
CONSTRUCTION Cold-molded plywood/epoxy over longitudinals and bulkheads. Keel Plank from 2×8, chine logs from 2×4’s, sheer clamps from 1×3’s, sawn beams. Bottom planking: ¾”; sides: ½”; decks 3/8”—all from full sheets of marine plywood.