LOA 33’ 1”
LBP 32’ 10”
LWL 26’ 8”
BEAM 10’ 0”
DRAFT 2’ 3½”/5’ 3½”
DISPLACEMENT 9,000lbs (approx)
BALLAST 2,000lbs lead under the settees.
1,000lbs additional lead for trim.
SAIL AREA 388 sq. ft.
TYPE Maxi-Trailerable Gaff-rigged New Jersey “Chicken-Breasted” Vee-bottom Garvey Sloop—Pocket Cruiser. This is a very simple boat to build. She is intended for semi-protected water, but can make coastwise trips in settled weather. Scows are not slow boats—this hull is a large version of the very competitive racing scows, and will give a surprising turn of speed. The cockpit is self-draining; an outboard can be used in an offset-well, or a small inboard may be installed under the bridge deck. The mast is tabernacled to simplify set-up and break-down. Headroom is 4’ 6”.
CONSTRUCTION Cold-molded plywood/epoxy over longitudinals and 5/8” plywood bulkheads. Chine logs from 2×4’s, sheer clamps from 1×4’s, sawn beams. Bottom planking: two laminations of ½”; sides: 5/8”; decks ½”—all using full sheets of marine plywood when possible.
Covering system: epoxy-saturated 4 oz Xynole-polyester cloth (two layers on bottom; one elsewhere); including interior wet areas.