Scow Schooner 45

L.O.D.                            44’ 4”

L.B.P.                             45’

L.EXT.                            61’ 3”

L.W.L.                            38’ 9”

BEAM                            15’ 1”

DRAFT                           3’ 1” Board Up/ 7’ 7” Board Down

SAIL AREA                     Depends on Rig

DISPLACEMENT            38,000 lbs (approx)

BALLAST                        13,000 lbs

RIG                                Bald-headed gaff schooner/Junk/Yawl

POWER                          Inboard Diesel

TYPE                              Vee-bottomed Texas Gulf-coast scow yacht

ACOMMODATIONS         Live-aboard yacht for family with two children. Settee can sleep two guests. This vessel is a large, comfortable sailing home.

CONSTRUCTION            Quick-molded plywood: Bottom—triple diagonal 5/8” plywood; Topsides and Decks—double-laminated plywood (3/8” over 5/8” and ¼” over 5/8”). Epoxy-saturated Xynole-polyester fabric over all (two layers on bottom).

OPTIONS                        Complete plans include the construction manual THE NEW COLD MOLDED BOATBUILDING, From Lofting to launching. Other layouts and rigs are included with Plans.