L.O.A. 24’ 3”
L.W.L. 19’ 9”
BEAM 7’ 0”
DRAFT 1’ 0”/3’ 4”
SAIL AREA 245 sq. ft.
BALLAST 250 to 500 lbs. lead, depending on construction weight and use
TYPE TRAILERABLE scaled-down Ohio Pound Net Boat (Great Lakes Sharpie)
CONSTRUCTION Cold-molded plywood/epoxy covered with epoxy-impregnated polyester cloth. The hull is built on four mold frames set up on a simple strong back made from saw horses and 2×8’s. Sheer clamps, chine logs and keelson are fastened to stem and transom. The 1/2-inch plywood sides are traced in place, cut and fastened, and the 5/8-inch plywood bottom is planked. The deck is 3/8-inch plywood over carlins supported by knees and bulkheads (or frames). Flotation compartments are advisable for the open boat. Spars are solid Douglas fir (masts from 4×4 stock or laminated).
NOTES This vessel is a custom reproduction of the sharpie type common to the Great Lakes fisheries during the late nineteenth century. The hull is redesigned and modified with slight athwartships curvature in the stern sections, as many later sharpies had arced or V-bottom stern sections. The rig is Florida Sharpie.
Other options include a pocket-cruiser version which features a double bed, galley, bucket’n’chuckit head and slide-out saloon table and seat. A large 3’x3′ hatch provides standing room for the cook. The cruiser may have a self-bailing cockpit and outboard well. A partially-decked plan is also available providing built-in flotation and outboard well.