Sharpie 18


SKU: SHARPIE18 Category: Tags: , ,


LOA             17’ 10”

Beam           5’ 6”

Draft           15”

Sail Area      107 sq. ft.

Weight         App. 250#

This excellent small craft represents the highest stage of evolution of the sharpie into the deadrise skiff. The type is very close to the forms developed by Thomas Clapham in Long Island, which he called “nonpareil” sharpies, and to modified sharpies designed and built by Larry Huntington, also in Long Island. The type just prior to this is represented by the “flattie,” with deadrise (Vee) in the stern only; the types that followed are the “skipjack” and “bateau.” A good example of a modern boat of this type is the “Lightning” class. The model shown is moderate, neither a burdensome workboat nor flat-out racer. A removable cuddy might be made for this boat to fit around the coaming, and canvas bunks could be laced to eye-straps on the hull and centerboard trunk, thus converting her to a “pocket cruiser.” The source for this boat is fig. 115, American Small Sailing Craft.